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Monday, January 29, 2024

Jordan drone strike: 'Little to no warning' for US troops killed in attack on sleeping quarters - BBC

Iran is obviously bracing itself for the US reaction, although few people believe that the US may react by attacking targets on Iranian soil.

That would be ratcheting up the tensions in the region to a new and very dangerous level that could perhaps extend war to the whole region.

Iran's leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and the revolutionary guard, who are directly managing Iran's Middle Eastern policies, have been quiet so far.

The last time Iran and the US came to blows directly was in the 1980s when the US and Iran were involved in military action against each other in the waters of the Persian Gulf, where Iran's ships and oil platforms were targeted.

Copyright: EPA

For the moment, the most obvious sign of a change in Iran is sudden depreciation of the value of the Iranian rial by more than 6% on the news of the killing of three US servicemen at a US base in Jordan - an attack the US has blamed on Iranian-backed militias.

The depreciation shows that the market in Iran foresees a turbulent time ahead. Iran's foreign ministry spokesman has said the attack on the US servicemen has nothing to do with Iran, and the militias of what it describes as the Axis of Resistance do not receive their orders from Iran.

But this denial is not going to convince many people, and certainly not the US which has witnessed more than eighty attacks on its bases in the region in the past three-and-a-half months alone - since the Israel-Gaza war.

Iran has hoped this plausible deniability will keep it out of trouble, but it is realising that this strategy can only work for a time, and sooner or later, few people come to believe that it has been an innocent bystander.

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The Link Lonk

January 29, 2024 at 05:06PM

Jordan drone strike: 'Little to no warning' for US troops killed in attack on sleeping quarters - BBC

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